Raynor Dental

This year some Raynor Dental team members are participating in Sugar-Free February. We’re doing this not only to improve our overall health but also to keep our teeth sparkly clean and healthy.

We’re keeping the rules simple. Here’s how we intend to succeed during Sugar-Free February.

  • We’re really going to read nutrition labels and not eat anything that has sugar or corn syrup added.
  • We’re going to ditch sweetened condiments like ketchup! – as much as we love the stuff it is FULL of sugar, so that will have to go!
  • We’re going to take a break from chocolate, cakes or biscuits – this one is going to hurt.
  • We’re abstaining from soda, sugar in tea and coffee, and other sweet drinks – this too will be tricky for many of us, but will make a huge difference, maybe the biggest.
  • We’re going to make more food from scratch and bring healthy lunches, like salads, healthy sandwiches, etc.
  • When we’re craving something sweet, we will have a piece of fresh fruit, instead of a cookie, donut, etc. – Yes, we’ll miss the junky snacks, but we’ll be happy about the results.
  • We’re going to drink more water – thirst can be confused with hunger.
  • We’re going to snack only on healthy savory snacks including rice cakes and plain popcorn.

Are you participating Sugar-Free February? Want to join us? Just do it!