Raynor Dental

Hot Drinks & Healthy TeethTips for Safely Enjoying These Fall Staples

Ahh, fall. As the cold weather sets in, many of us gravitate towards our favorite cozy comforts to enjoy the brisk temps and falling leaves. For some, it’s a sweatshirt. For others a blanket. And for others—the hottest cup of coffee imaginable.

Hot drinks are a great way to warm up on cool days. They’re delicious and often hit the spot. But the hotter the drink, the stronger the risk it poses to your teeth. Yup, you heard that right. Hot drinks can be harmful to your oral health when not enjoyed properly or safely. Burns, sensitivity, and tooth decay are all possible when your steaming hot cup of tea is simply too hot.

That doesn’t mean you have to dump your nearest hot drink out, though. These beverages can (and should) be enjoyed! But by following a few easy tips, you’ll be safeguarding your teeth from some potentially harmful and unwanted side effects.

Cool It Down a Notch 

One of the easiest ways to protect your teeth is simply to let your drink cool down a bit before you take that first sip. Hot beverages can exceed temperatures that may be uncomfortable for your mouth and harmful to your teeth. Waiting just a few minutes can make a significant difference, allowing you to enjoy your drink at a safe and enjoyable temperature.In our opinion, warm drinks taste better than scalding hot drinks, anyway. 

Take Smarter Sips

Consider using a straw to minimize your drink’s contact with your teeth. This helps direct the hot liquid away from your enamel, reducing the risk of sensitivity. If you prefer to sip straight from the cup, take smaller sips to control the temperature and prevent overwhelming your mouth with heat. This approach can help you enjoy your beverage without discomfort. Many mugs and cups available in stores include a reusable straw, so no need to worry about hurting the environment! 

Rinse and Refresh

After enjoying your drink, it’s vital to rinse your mouth with water to help remove any sugars and acids that may linger. This simple step can significantly reduce the risk of enamel erosion and keep your mouth feeling fresh. Maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine—brushing and flossing daily—will further protect your teeth from potential harm caused by hot beverages. Trust us, it’s important. 

We’re Here to Care For You Again, we want you to enjoy every comfort of fall that you love, including hot beverages! But we hope these tips will help you act a little more smartly when choosing one to warm you up on a chilly evening.

If you have concerns about your oral health, don’t hesitate to reach out and give us a call. We’re happy to support you in any way that we can so you can smile your biggest and brightest as the end of the year rapidly approaches!