Raynor Dental

Karen Henricks Memorial Scholarship Fund Recipient Named

Keene, NH—Graduating Senior McKenna Kleine has been named as the recipient of this year’s Karen Henricks Memorial Scholarship Fund at Keene High School. The Scholarship Fund was co-founded by Dr. Craig McBeth, who capped a 36-year career of serving our community in 2020 after joining his practice with Raynor Dental. The Scholarship Fund honors the memory of a longtime coworker of Dr. McBeth who passed away unexpectedly. McKenna plans to study dental hygiene at Plymouth State this fall.

If you wish to help Raynor Dental support promising young people like McKenna with a donation to the Scholarship Fund, make out a check to “KSD Trustees of the Trust Funds” and place “Karen Henricks” in the memo line. Mail to: Penny Davies, 93 Maple Ave, Keene NH, 03431.

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